Make an Appointment: (865) 548-4484 |   [email protected]

  • Welcome

    There are many times in life that we face difficult challenges and situations. Past experiences and traumas will often complicate current stressors, making daily life and functioning feel overwhelming. I believe our minds have the innate capacity to heal and with evidence-based treatment approaches we have been given a unique opportunity to provide a doorway into the healing process.

    “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”
    ― Rumi

    About Lynn M. Smith, LCSW

    As Founder and Director of The Center for Mindfulness LLC, at Mind Body Knox, my approach to therapy is that of a collaboration between therapist and client bridging all aspects of wellbeing including both mind and body. My primary area of expertise is in utilizing EMDR therapy to help clients reprocess traumas from the past and change the negative belief systems that exist as a result of those past experiences. In the words of Carl Jung, “what we resist persists.” By gently turning towards these experiences, EMDR therapy allows us fully process and make sense of the painful memories that often hold us hostage through reactivity and conditioning.

    Additionally, I incorporate mindfulness based interventions into the framework of the healing process. Mindfulness practices, also evidence-based, allow us to live life more fully and present, enabling our unique ability as human beings to face the stress in our lives with balance and equanimity.

    In a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, I offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each of my client’s individual needs to attain the personal growth they are seeking.

    Here are some places to get started

    Mindful Performance Enhancement Awareness & Knowledge(mPEAK) 3 Day Intensive Now Enrolling!

    EMDR Therapy

    EMDR Therapy

    Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy



    Course Offerings and Individual Coaching



    Professionals seeking consultation and advanced credentialing in EMDR Therapy